Source and transport of natural and
synthetic steroid hormones in Hula
Valley and their effects on fish in aquiculture.
L. Shore*, Ph.D, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Bet Dagan, POB 12, Israel
Key words: testosterone, ethinylestradiol, estrogen, Cyprinus
Natural and synthetic steroid hormones are
constantly being excreted into the environment.
In the Hula
Valley , five steroidal
compounds were identified in the surface waters – testosterone, estrogen
(estradiol-17b and estrone), androstenedione, ethinyl estradiol
and estriol. The sources of the hormones
were shown to be cattle pasture and treated sewage effluent and the sources
could be identified based on hormone profile.
However, of the five steroids tested, only testosterone could permeate
the soil to reach the groundwater. Fish
with male gonadal atrophy but normal female gonads were found in a reservoir used
for aquaculture. The gonadal atrophy was associated with the presence of
hormones, specifically the synthetic hormone, ethinyl estradiol, which is used
in contraceptive pills. When in the
subsequent year, the same fish were grown in the absence of the hormone, the
males were found to have normal gonads.
In the past decade, many
concerns have been expressed on compounds that mimic hormones and can disrupt
reproduction in animals including humans (see Lintelmann et al., 2003 for
review). Of particular concern are
synthetic hormones that are specifically design to act on biological
systems. All of these compounds act
against a background of naturally produced hormones such as testosterone and
estradiol that are constantly release into the environment (see Shore and
Shemesh, 2003 for review). Since our
initial observation of the presence of significant amounts of testosterone and
estrogen in Lake Kinneret in 1993 (Shore et al. 1993), we have surveyed the
Jordan Valley including the Upper Jordan River Catchment and the Southern
Jordan River for the presence of steroidal hormones (Bar-El Cohen et al., 2005;
Shore et al.. 2004). The present paper
will described the results of these surveys in the Hula Valley
as to the determination of sources, the pathways of transport and the effects
on fish.
The primary steroid hormones excreted
into the environment are estrone, estradiol-17β, testosterone and
androstenedione (Fig. 1). The natural steroids of major concern are estrone and
estradiol since they exert their physiological effects at lower concentrations
than other steroids and can be found in the environment in concentrations above
their Lowest Observed Effect Level (LOEL) for fish (increased vitellogenin) and
plants (increased growth) (10 ng/l) (Christiansen, 2002; Shore et al.,
1992,1995b). In rivers and soil, estradiol is converted abiotically to estrone,
so for environmental studies estradiol and estrone can be considered together
as “estrogens” (Colucci et al., 2001; Jürgens et al., 2002). Effluent from
human sources can also contain estriol, a weak estrogen excreted in the urine
of pregnant women, and synthetic estrogens such as mestranol and
ethinylestradiol (Fig. 1) (Wenzel et al., 1998). These synthetic compounds are
of particular concern as they have LOEL’s in the order of 1 ng/l (Christiansen
et al., 2003).
To study the occurrence, origin
and effects of the natural and synthetic steroids, a general survey of the Hula Valley
catchment area was performed as well as more in depth studies, at two sites to (1)
determine nature of export of hormones from cattle pasture and (2) determine the
effect of the hormones on fish raised in aquaculture.
and methods:
Extractions and assays
Extraction and determination of testosterone, and estrogen in cattle manure
were done by established procedures (Shore and Shemesh, 1993; Shore et al.,
1993). Androstenedione was determined using a commercial ELISA (DRG GmbH, Marburg , Germany ).
All water samples were collected into acid-washed polyethylene 1 L bottles, and
immediately put in a cooler before transporting to the laboratory for further
processing. Extraction and determination
of testosterone, estrogen, estriol and ethinylestradiol were done as previously
described (Shore et al, 2004).
Soil: Five gram samples were extracted twice with
15 ml of ethyl acetate, the supernatants combined, evaporated and redisolved in
0.5 ml of methanol. 100 µl aliquots
were evaporated to dryness and redisolved in the testing media for analysis.
All data are in means ± SD. Student t test used for comparing two
Figure 1. Structures of natural and synthetic
environmental steroids
Site description
Hula Valley
catchment area is divided by the Jordan River
into a Western and Eastern sub-catchment areas.
The Eastern portion (Golan Heights, eastern part of the Hula valley) is
characterized by the confluence of the Dan, Hermon and Sneir tributaries at the
Joseph Bridge to form the Jordan River, which receives the runoff from the
Golan Heights until it leaves the Hula Valley at a second confluence, the Huri
Bridge. At the Joseph
Bridge , about 10% of the Jordan River
is diverted to the Western Canal which receives runoff from the western or Naphtali Heights .
The Western Canal rejoins the Jordan
shortly before its exit from the Hula
Valley . Precipitation in
the Hula Valley catchment area occurs only in the
rainy season from Oct. to May. The area consists of small farms, cattle
pasture, fishponds with some urban development.
The water table is shallow being less than 2 meters from the surface. The
fifteen sites sampled after each rain event (11 to 12 times a hydrological
year) on the eastern side of the catchment are shown in Figure 2. The sites samples on the western side were in
two separate subcatchments (points P, KD on Fig. 3) which were sampled on two occasions (Jan. 24,
Feb 2, 2005) following rain events. For the aquiculture observations, a
reservoir containing 400 tons of three species of fish (grey mullet, carp and
tilapia) was sampled to determine the effect on aquaculture of exposure to
sewage effluent (site 404/2, fig. 3).
The density of the fish was approximately 1 fish/l. The reservoir held 5.6 mcu3 over
area of 100 acres and a depth of 15 m. The reservoir received water from three
sources: sewage effluent from an urban area of about 8000, excess water flow
from Lake Hula
and Jordan River
water from the Western canal. The limonological properties of the reservoir
have been described in detail (Gafny et al., 1999). Samples were taken on
16.02.05 before fish were introduced and 04.05.05, 04.08.05 and 19.11.05
representing 1, 5 and 8 months after the introduction. Samples were taken at
depths of 1, 3 and 6 m except on the final sampling before harvesting when the
depth was only 0.8 m. Samples were taken from a control reservoir without fish
on the same dates. In Nov. 2005, the
remaining males were transferred to another pond containing the same water
without any sewage contaminant. Gonadal somatic index (GSI) for the carp was
evaluated according to Degani et al. (1996, 1998).
For the cattle pasture study, a fenced
field in which cattle were not present most of the year with a pool receiving
runoff from the field was studied after the introduction of the cattle for
three months. The grazing intensity was 0.63 cows/ha. For edge of field
drainage, one liter samples in polyethylene bottles were obtained from the
receiving pool after each of three rain events. Samples were acidified and
transported to the laboratory. Single
samples of soil were taken after 1 mo., 2 mo and 3 mo. after introduction of
cattle at a depth of 10, 20 and 30 cm.
Figure 2.
Sites in the Hula
Valley draining the
Eastern side of the catchment sampled in the hydrological years 2001/2 and
2002/3. The sites are listed in Table 1 found below.
Figure 3. Two subcatchments (Di, Kd) draining cattle pasture in the western portion of
Eastern part of the Hula Valley
The transport of
testosterone, estrogen, ethinylestradiol and estriol was measured at fifteen
sites in the eastern side of Hula
Valley catchment area
after major rain events (10 -12 per hydrological year). It was found in the rain season of 2001/2002,
that following a rain sequence of 131 mm/wk, there was an initial large
increase in the concentration of testosterone (maximum 6 ng/l) accompanied by
high estrogen (maximum 6 ng/l), which then gradually declined to non-detectable
levels (<0.3 ng/l) over a period of three months. These peaks originated
from runoff from cattle pasture (Fig. 5). Later peaks consisted only of
testosterone that was moderately associated with sulfate (r2=0.53,
P<0.05) and somewhat associated with total phosphorus (r2=0.49,
P<0.1) indicating that the origin was leaching from the sulfate rich peat
soil typical of the Hula
Valley (Fig. 6).
Testosterone in this catchment area was therefore due initially to surface runoff
from cattle pasture and then as discharge from the soil. The testosterone pulses after each rain event
were more pronounced at the Joseph Bridge than at the Huri Bridge
(Fig. 7). Ethinylestradiol was
consistently above 1 ng/l at three sites, two of which were known to receive
sewage effluent and one had a high ammonia (>1.2 mg/l) and bacteria count
(>50,000 fecal coli/100 ml), probably originating from a leaky sewage
holding pond. There was no correlation (r<0.2) with the amount of
testosterone, ethinylestradiol, estrogen or estradiol present in the samples
with each other. However in the few sites (5/28) in which estriol was above 1
ng/l, ethinylestradiol was also above 1 ng/l (15/28). A more detailed report on the results for
2001/2002 and 2002/2003 hydrological years can be found in Shore et al., 2004.
Ng steroid/l
Figure 4.
Hormonal profile of runoff from cattle pasture.
Figure 5. Testosterone and sulfate concentrations in
the runoff in the Hula
Valley after rain events
in the 2001/2002 hydrological year.
Table 1. Representative
testosterone and ethinylestradiol concentrations at 14 sites on the Eastern
side of the Hula Valley .
Site no.
Site name
Dan Tributary
Hermon Tributary
raw sewage
Sneir tributary
Hyun Creek
Joseph bridge
Confluence of sites 1,2,3,4
Yardonin Creek
High ammonia and fecal coli
River below sites 6,7
River below site 8
River below site 8
treated urban effluent
below Confluence of sites 12,13 and 9.
(no. of samplings)
ng/l testosterone
Figure 6.
Testosterone concentrations at the Joseph and Huri
Bridges over the Jordan
River . Samples were taken after each rain event of great than 30
mm/72 hr and during the dry season during which there is no precipitation (Days
225-284). Numbers on the x axis for individual rain events are the days
numbered from 26.10.2001 which marked the initial rainfall.
Western part of the Hula Valley
Catchment Streams:
Two subcatchments (Fig. 3) draining primarily cattle
pastures were sampled at 15 sites on two dates following rain events
representing 2 subcatchments draining primary cattle pasture. The amount of
rain on the two dates sample was 21 and 36 mm/72 h respectively. On the date of
the first sampling there were major spills of secondary effluent from sewage
ponds. Streams were considered
contaminated with spillage effluent as the ethinylestradiol was detectable
(>0.3 ng/l). In the contaminated streams, androstenedione and estrogen were
significantly elevated (P<0.05) above the same streams without contamination
while testosterone concentrations were not (Fig. 7).

we measured the manure content for testosterone and androstenedione by
collecting samples at 10 sites, isolated them from the cattle, and sampled the
manure piles at one month and three months later. It was apparent that both
compounds were excreted in about equal amounts and that there was little change
over the three month period (Table 2).
2. Androstenedione (A) and
testosterone (T) in cattle manure, 1 mo. and 3 mo. after being on pasture. Ten sites were sampled on each occasion.
Values are means ± SD of 10 determinations.
(after 1 mo.)
(after 3 mo.)
1 mo. vs. 3 mo.
T vs. A
then measured the amount of hormones in the soil after three months of grazing
(Table 3) as well as the concentrations of testosterone and androstenedione in
the runoff at the edge of the field (Table 4). It was apparent that
androstenedione did not penetrate the soil as did testosterone.
Table 3.
Samples from a pool draining the same field as in Table 2. Samples were taken after three rain events of
at least 70 mm in the proceeding 72 h and tested for testosterone and androstenedione.
Each point is a single observation done in duplicate.
Rain event
Testosterone (ng/L)
Androstenedione (ng/L)
Table 4. Testosterone and androstenedione extracted
from soil samples at 5, 15, and 30 cm in a field use for cattle pasture, 4, 5
and 6 mo. after introduction of the cattle. Each value represents a single
determination done in duplicate.
Soil depth
4 mo.
5 mo.
6 mo.
Testosterone (ng/Kg)
Studies of the effects
on fish
Catchment streams:
A survey of the 14 species of fish present in the Dan and Sneir rivers and four
other sites in the Hula Valley catchment did not show any evidence of skewed sex
ratio (Kroton, 2004}. However, in a nearby stream (Nachal Kibutzim)
which had a rich variety of species (13 species), most
species were identified as having a skewed sex ratio. Of particular concern was Acanthobrama lissneri whose habitat is unique to the
area. In this stream river, measurable
concentrations of ethinylestradiol (0.6-0.8 ng/l) were found. The source of the ethinylestradiol
appeared to be from the large number of swimmers in the small stream rather
than contamination with sewage effluent.
Aquaculture reservoir
Hormone profiles: In the aquaculture pond, the
concentration of steroidal hormones in the pond water increased with maturation
(Table 5). In the first months the
amount of testosterone was comparable to that of androstenedione, but at the
time the spawning (8 months), androstenedione was three fold higher than
Prior to introduction of the fish, the reservoir
was found to contain appreciable amounts of ethinylestradiol,
medroxyprogesterone (both components of contraceptive pills); and
benzodiazepines but was negative for barbiturates (Table 6.). After three
months in the presence of the fish the levels of these compounds were essential
non-detectable (<0.5 ng/l). In
contrast, in a control reservoir without fish,
the level of medroxyprogesterone and ethinylestradiol remained between 1.3 and
1.7 ng/l during the same time period.
Fish gonads: There were three species of fish in the
reservoir, Oreochromis aureus (Tilapia),
Cyprinus carpio (carp), Mugil cephalous (mullet). The Tilapia had been treated with
methyltestosterone so no ovaries were expected. However the fish should have
had masculine gonads, which were absent.
The mullet usually take two years or three years to mature so no gonads
were expected in the mullet. However the carp should have had gonads weighing
about 800 grams at eight months and the ratio of the GSI should have been in
the order of 4 %. We found that the GSI in the females was
between 0.4 to 3% and in the males, the testes were rudimentary. Histological examination of the ovaries
indicated the ovaries were fully matured and there was no evidence of
intersex. Some of the male carp were transferred in
Nov. 2006 to a pond. In the second year,
the same males were placed in same water without exposure sewage effluent. All of the nine male fish examined developed
normal sized gonads after 4 months of growth.
Table 5.
Steroid hormones in an aquaculture pond containing about 400,000
fish. The pond was sampled 1, 3 and 8
months after introduction of the hatchlings.
Values represent the mean of three samplings at 1, 3 and 6 meters.
Androstenedione ng/l
6: Pharmaceutical concentrations in ng/l in
reservoir water.
Before introduction
of fish
One month after
Three months after
Eight months after
The major observations on steroidal hormones in the Hula Valley are summarized in Figure 8.
Figure 8. Summary of observations on source, transport
and effects
of natural and synthetic hormones in the Hula Valley
In the
Jordan River and its tributaries, hormone pulses were seen after rain events,
particularly in the early part of a hydrological season. In the dry season, hormone levels were
essentially undetectable. At the start of the hydrological season, testosterone,
androstenedione and estrogen pulses were observed due to runoff from cattle
grazed fields and effluent from fishponds. These initial testosterone and
androstenedione pulses dissipate over a three and five month period
respectively. The absence of an estrogen pulse is due to estrogen binds tightly
to the soil. The longer androstenedione pulse is due to testosterone
penetrating the soil while the androstenedione remains on the surface but
unlike estrogen is not tightly bound to the soil. The rest of the season is characterize
by testosterone pulses which presumably come from soil washout as the pulses
correlate with sulfate and phosphorus which are released from peat soils during
the same rain events.
data suggest the hypothesis that there are four patterns of testosterone
transport in the environment: (1) Testosterone associated with estrone,
ethinylestradiol and estriol which are characteristic of sewage effluent; (2)
Testosterone associated with estrone and estradiol which is characteristic of
runoff from cattle pasture and manure fertilized fields; and (3) Testosterone
alone, characteristic of leaching from soil and baseflow and (4)
androstenedione in a much higher concentration in relation to testosterone
which is characteristic of fishpond effluent (Kolodziej et al.,
Testosterone, estrogen and androstenedione
began rising the fourth month of development.
Androstenedione reached a maximum at the time of spawning. The high androstenedione may be related to
the large increase in androstenedione characteristic of spawning carp species
(Sorensen et al., 2005).
The male carp in the first year exposed to the
ethinylestradiol in the range of 1.2-1.4 ng/l and did not develop gonads. On the other hand, the female carp developed
normal ovaries. This indicated that the effect was from an endocrine disruptor
like ethinylestradiol which is well documented to affect male gonads in such
low concentrations (Christiansen et
al., 2002). However this would be the first report in non-laboratory setting
that complete failure to develop testes was observed, apparently with just
three months exposure to the compound. Interestingly,
in the second year, when the same fish were grown without exposure to
ethinylestradiol, the gonads developed normally. The effect therefore was not permanent.
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