Wednesday, September 28, 2016

vaccine for צומת הגידים

vaccine for צומת הגידים

This vaccine should prevent inflammation of the tendon joint ( צומת הגידים)
It is currently in field trials.

Wide-range protection against avian reovirus conferred by vaccination with representatives of four defined genotypes 
Vaccine, Volume 29, Issue 47, 3 November 2011, Pages 8683-8688
Avishai Lublin, Dana Goldenberg, Ezra Rosenbluth, E. Dan Heller, Jacob Pitcovski

Many isolates of the contagious avian reovirus have been characterized, mainly based on the sequence of their sigma C protein. These isolates have been classified into four genotypes. Currently available vaccines are of limited effectiveness, likely due to the existence of many variants. The aim of this study was to test the efficacy of a vaccine consisting of a mixture of prototypes (representatives) of the four defined genotypic groups of avian reovirus. The prototypes were selected based on their distance from the isolates within each genotype. All prototypes were found to be virulent. Antibodies produced against each of the  prototypes neutralized all members of its genotype. Birds were then vaccinated with a mixture of the four prototypes. Results suggest that the 4-valent vaccine can prevent disease and confer broad protection against field isolates of avian reovirus.

Apparently Israel is not the only one with the idea.

Viral arthritis/tenosynovitis caused by reovirus and Staphylococcus spp. infections can cause leg problems. Staphylococcus infection can be prevented with proper house sanitation between flocks, minimizing human manipulation of birds, and keeping healthy birds. Reovirus infection caused viral arthritis or tenosynovitis (Rosenberger, 2003). Reovirus infections are additionally prevented with vaccines applied directly to broiler breeders. However, it has become more common to observe vaccination in commercial broiler with reovirus strains that cause tendon problems. The following signs are characteristic of viral arthritis: 1) Swelling and inflammation of digital flexor and metatarsal extensor tendon sheaths; 2) Foot pad swelling; 3) Ulceration of articular cartilages; 4) Haemorrhage in tissues around the articulation (green leg disease) and 5) Fibrosis in chronic cases. If you do not observe these signs in your flocks and do not have confirmation or reovirus infection, you may not need to use these vaccines. Live virus vaccines, like the ones used to prevent viral arthritis, always cause an immunological reaction that reduces broiler growth and affect feed conversion.

Looks like Philbro is one the companies interested in the vaccine.

 בימים אלו מתקיים מחקר שמטרתו להגיע לייצור חיסון מהזנים המקומיים שיוכל לנטרל נגיפי REO החודרים ללהקות הרבייה. אחרי התפרצות במשק פיטום יש להקפיד לנקות ולחטא את חוות הגידול כדי למנוע הדבקה של הלהקה הבאה בשאריות של נגיף מהלהקה החולה מהמדגר הקודם. הניקוי צריך לכלול תכשיר דטרגנטי חזק (סבון סינטטי) ושטיפה. החיטוי צריך להתבסס על חומרים שנבדקו ונמצאו יעילים כנגד הנגיף כגון פורמלין, יוד או כלור. 

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